The Libertarian Party of McLennan County is based in Waco, Texas.
Chair: R.J. Pase-
Vice Chair: Will Knight-
Treasurer: Neill Snider-
Secretary: Don Gray-
At Large: David Reichert
At Large: Kinsey Pase
At Large: Greg Behm
We are an affiliated county and part of the Libertarian Party of Texas. If you are interested in joining or running for office email any of the officers above! Or you can go to the following page on LP Texas website for more! Click Here
What do your donations do?
They help with (in no particular order):
- Maintaining this website and domain
- Helping us promote the party throughout the county and online via marketing
- Getting new merchandise/items for current and new members
- Giving back to the community
Meeting Minutes
LPMcLennan-Q2-Business-Meeting-04-19-2024- APPROVED
LP McLennan Q1 Business Meeting 2-24-2023- APPROVED
LPMcLennan Q4 Business & Executive Committee Meetings 12-02-2023- APPROVED
LP McLennan Q4 Business Meeting 11-2-2023- APPROVED
LP McLennan Q3 Business Meeting 08-31-2023- APPROVED
LP McLennan Q2 Business Meeting 5-30-2023- APPROVED
LP McLennan Q1 Business Meeting 1-30-2023- APPROVED
LP McLennan Q4 Business Meeting 10-24-2022- APPROVED